Search PowerPoint slide content and metadata

Slidebank quickly searches for presentation content across three different elements. In a quick online search it will read through:

PPT slide metadata
  • Slide content (the words that appear on slides themselves)
  • Speaker notes that accompany slides
  • Any keywords that slides or presentations have been tagged with

With Advanced Search, you can drill down into any of these criteria, or search across any of your 16 customizable keyword fields. Supports full Boolean search terms to help you pinpoint precise content.

Slidebank will show you thumbnails of individual slides that match your search criteria. It will also show you entire PowerPoint presentation files that may be useful to you.

It's not necessary to tag slides and presentations for them to be found in searches - they give additional context but Slidebank will find your relevant content on its own.

Slidebank is security conscious so will only ever show you content you've been given access to.