We're pleased to confirm Slidebank.com has NEVER been vulnerable to Heartbleed


What a week it's been in tech land.

Amid a multitude of headlines, mixed messages, password confusion and panic, it's been difficult for many to get a clear view on just how the Heartbleed vulnerability may have affected them.

We're pleased to offer a rare voice of clarity and say that, due to the way our online presentation management service is designed and delivered, Slidebank has never been vulnerable to Heartbleed.

Best practice

Although Slidebank.com is entirely Web based, our software subscription service allows us to encrypt sensitive presentations in transit in a secure and private way. That is to say, we have only ever used 'best of breed' SSL security certificates, none of which are affected.

This means that whilst the OpenSSL vulnerability has existed for the past two years (potentially exposing some systems to data exploitation with untraceable impact), Slidebank.com customers have had their private data and intellectual property protected from Heartbleed from Day One.

Needless to say, we have taken the necessary precautionary measures to confirm that none of our Web servers were affected. We are therefore confident that your Slidebank.com service is not, and nor has it ever been, subject to any vulnerability associated with Heartbleed.


As Slidebank.com users are not affected, there's no need to update your password as a direct result of Heartbleed. However, we would still urge best practice in password management. This means changing your password every few months as a rule of thumb. Here are some useful and imaginative tips for how to generate secure passwords, but please do check your own company's security guidelines first.

If you do have any concerns or questions about Slidebank.com, data security and Heartbleed, we'd be very happy to speak with you. We can be contacted directly here.

Many thanks,

The Slidebank.com Team

First published April 15, 2014